Life is Worth Living with Baba's Nectarine Love

When all machines are at work, the different components in them may grate with each other and cause friction. With this friction, heat and fire are generated and parts of the machines may be at risk. On oiling the noisy parts of the machines, they will run very smoothly. This is the case of machines invented by man. The human body, a marvellous machine created by God, has hundreds of vital components which are subject to friction, fatigue and tensions.

Just like the body, we have to cleanse the mind and soul with the pure water of Baba's message. We have to overhaul our body-mind machine with the oil of Baba's nectarine love. Otherwise, the human machine may become obsolete and lack the purpose of life. But, if we are blessed with the Divine Love of Baba, with renewed joy, our mind will race for the realization of God. Our body, mind, heart and words will not feel any pressure and life would run in a freer and smoother manner. As there is no undue pressure, every work undertaken would be smoothly done unhindered. By this, the strength and efficiency of a person would increase. With energized minds, we shall live happily, loving, supporting and serving our fellow beings. Let us pray to Baba to fill every cell in our body with His healing love and bless us live in His love-light, selflessly serving all as Sai.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

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