
Baba Tests us Only to Prove Our Obedience

Baba Tests us Only to Prove Our Obedience

Service means to abide by the divine commands and live with obedience. Whatever commands God gives us, without questioning them, one has to obediently follow them. The mundane and spiritual life of the obedient devotees will be set right by God Himself. There would be many people who have come to serve and they might serve as well. But, Baba used to gauge their depths of obedience through some simple tests too.
Dikshit was an orthodox Brahmin. But, on Baba's command, he took a knife to kill a goat. "Baba! Your words are both law and binding on me". He did not think that for a good Brahmin like him, killing the goat would be an act of sin. That is unquestioning obedience. When the devotees are obedient in all earthly matters, Sai, the Compassion Incarnate, would not only fulfil all their desires but would lead them to the righteous path. Even then, the level of our spiritual progress undergoes some tests. 

Obedience corresponds to our faith in Baba. We get spiritual treasure in proportion to our obedience. We should not think as to why these tests are meant for. The spiritual strength is matchless. We should be deserving and need to prove our spiritual worthiness. In fact, the entire universe is moving at the will and command of that Supreme Spirit. We should abide by His words and prove our obedience.

  ~ * ~ OM SAI RAM ~ * ~ 

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