
Ever-Protecting And All-Blessing Hand of Baba

Ever-Protecting And All-Blessing Hand of Baba 

 Almost the entire life span of Sai Baba was spent in the Masjid alone. Day and night Baba stayed there. He named it as Dwarakamayi. According to Skaanda Purana, 'Dwarakamayi' means something that would keep open all its doors for all, without any distinction of caste or creed, for achieving the four goals of life. Dwarakamayi, the Home of Sai Baba, denotes that Sai Dharma is something that is devoid of social discriminations. Every inch of the Dwarakamayi mosque had been hallowed by the touch of Baba's feet and the grace of His eyes. It is glorified since it became the Abode of the Heavenly Father in human form that Baba is.

We observe that there are no doors to the mosque in which Baba lived. Anyone can enter it at any time without any restriction. Perhaps, it would mean that Baba's life is transparent and there are no secrets to hide. True, there should be nothing to fear or hide from others. On several occasions, Sai Baba declared that Dwarakamayi, like a mother, always stretches her hands for Her children to come and patiently wait for them. It is we who are not eager to leap into the Lap of the Divine Mother at Dwarakamayi. Let us no longer delay but move forth. Let us experience the happiness of visiting it. Dwarakamayi is the doorway to our Self-Liberation.

~ * ~ OM SAI RAM ~ * ~  

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