a fine jewel, is like an ornament to man. To boast of one's own
virtues in an egotistic manner is a sign of arrogance. One could
be honest, good and even great. Yet, if one thinks that none is
as great as he or she is, it is the mark of arrogance. Like a drop
of poison in a pot of milk, pride, likewise, would cause downfall.
People in this world usually make mistakes and sins. As devotees
of Baba, it is our bounden duty to set right, forgive and bring
them back on the good path. Instead, if we abuse and keep them away,
there would be no greater sin than that. If we turn the light of
wisdom within us on them, they might walk on the right path. But,
if a wise man looks down on the erring men, he would be committing
a greater sin.
Trees full of fruit would bend down. Clouds with water will drift down the sky. Likewise, virtuous men will be obedient and without pride. We have to cultivate the good qualities of mercy, patience, love and peace and should make every effort to keep people on the right path. In fact, none would wish to see his own down-fall. But without their own knowledge, their ego forces them to do evil. It is the duty of the one who is at the top to extend his helping hand and hold the one who is sliding down. God will be pleased with such good people and He will lift them up.
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|