
Baba is Infinite

It is not apt on our part to limit Baba, the Infinite One. Many people failed to comprehend Baba's miracles. Dwelling in the human body, He revealed His Infinity and Divinity and showed the way to attain the fruit of self-realization. Out of unbounded compassion, Baba took on to His body and suffered the diseases and discomforts of His devotees. In order to save or lessen the adverse effects of the past sins committed by many a devotee, Baba received the sins of many births of His devotees in the form of bhiksha or alms which He begged from His devotees.

By lighting earthen lamps with water, He dispelled the darkness in the minds of the ignorant. He opened their inner eye of wisdom. He showed by His own life, how one should not get attached to one's body while living in a body and how to perform one's duties without getting attached to the fruit of one's effort.By His Divine Power, He blessed Dasganu to witness the sacred rivers Ganga and Yamuna gush out from the toes of His Feet.

Since the body is perishable, Baba wants to guide us in the light of the immortal spirit in us. Baba has been broadcasting to our minds the message, viz, "if you want to know My Omnipresence and Universal Love, do remember Me in full faith. I will ensure that your legitimate desires are fulfilled and right prayers answered even before you ask or pray for Me".

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"  
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

Message from the teachings of Sai baba Source:

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