
Unshakable Faith

At times our faith in Baba gets shaken up with the blow of a wind. How do we stop it and do not let it happen to us?

For those who want to come closer to Baba the only way is to keep unshakable faith in Him under all circumstances good, bad or neutral. But some people come to the Sadguru only with the desire of worldly gains or exhibit their devotion with such expectations hidden in their hearts. Sometimes, when their desires are not fulfilled or when they have to suffer the consequences of their own Prarabdha (past actions), they start blaming the Master and tend to lose faith.

During the period of any Avatar or Sadguru every wish of every man has never been fulfilled. Sadguru, never fulfills those desires, which would become barrier in the spiritual progress of the devotees. His hand can be seen behind both, the fulfillment and non fulfillment of the desires of the devotees.

Therefore, one who can experience Baba both, in pleasure and pain, is the true devotee. The pleasure seekers are bound to deviate from the path as they don’t seek the love of the Master but the material benefits; they wish to
get from Him.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"  
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

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