
If Baba’s Grace is Added to Our Sadhana, We Become Complete Beings

Of all the species in the universe, human birth is the greatest one. The spiritual quest and human values make human life greater. Guided by human values, man must become perfect, worthy to be called a human being. The spirit of humanity is becoming a thing of the past. Which is why modern man is starved of peace of mind. To change this situation, man has to become wise. For this, man has to undertake spiritual practices. It is but common for the practitioners to face obstacles. Some people pride themselves in the little progress they have made in their spiritual practices. Baba set an example, as to how one can overcome obstacles encountered in spiritual practices by being obedient to Guru's word and persisting in 'Sadhana'.

If we cultivate such qualities, our problems get easily solved. We cannot fix a time frame for spiritual progress. It is an endless process and might take longer time because man is only a spiritual child. Similar to the needs like food and exercise for child's growth, love, compassion, perseverance and devotion will make a man spiritually wise. Baba is easily accessible to the devotees. If we seek His support, by constant sadhana, it becomes easier for us to progress spiritually. Therefore, let us pray to Baba to crown our spiritual sadhana with success.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"  
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

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