
Remembering Sai's Name is Our Sheet Anchor

Though we may not vividly sense Sai's Presence by constantly remembering Him, yet the practice of remembering Him and chanting His name makes us calm. A kid will remain in his world by playing with dolls. How long does it remain so? As long as the kid is self-assured that mother is at home, and that there is nothing to worry about or fear. It gets engrossed in its play. But the nuisance that the child creates when mother leaves the house cannot be described. Likewise, as long as we constantly remember Sai, despite our worldly affairs and domestic problems, there will not be any room for worry or tension in our minds. The secure feeling a child gets when mother is at home is similar to our tension-free happiness we experience when Baba dwells in our heart. The joy of taking refuge at Baba's feet has to be experienced, not to be explained.

Baba pervades in every atom. But we fail to experience His presence or His nearness to us. Only by constant remembrance of His name can we experience Baba's presence in every moment. When Baba, the Divine Beloved, is within us and in our reach and always watching over us, how can we commit any sin? By constant remembrance of Sai, our weaknesses and wild qualities get destroyed. Pure and intense love for Sai will serve as our ever-protecting sheet anchor and shelter. 

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"  
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

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