
Ably Enact Your Role in the Drama of Life

This world is a stage and every person is an actor. God is the play-wright who plans and decides what role one should play in the drama of life and thereby directs the play. Our duty is to perform the roles ordained by God in true spirit. Only then, the play will be exciting and successful. Having played our role ably, our lives will become fruitful. The whole of the Universe is but the creation of God Supreme. If we keenly observe what God does, we can execute the entrusted task as desired by Him. God, the Omniscient, always awaits to accommodate everyone in the Kingdom of His heart.

Some instances would not favour us to perfectly execute a task and thereby lead to confusion. We will not be in a position to advance further. We feel pained when we fail to accomplish the task put forth by our beloved God. At this juncture, we should recollect the words of Baba, "If you need My help or guidance, I am ready to give it at once and at all times". This assurance of the All-Merciful Baba gives us enough courage. He transforms us into highly competent ones even though we do not have any competence. Not only does Baba decide our role but He equips us with the required talent in playing our role ably in His Divine Drama. Realizing our responsibility, let us follow in the foot-steps of Baba.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

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