
Remembering Baba will Remove Our Hardships

God is the Abode of Supreme Bliss and the embodiment of the pure Spirit and the Truth who is not touched by the polarities of pleasure and pain, sin and merit. Sai is the Perfect Master with a pure heart. The Holy Trinity, viz., Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva assumed the form of Dattatreya, whose incarnation is Shirdi Sai. We should know that to have His darshan is to achieve the purpose of life. Baba's heart is filled with kindness and love. He took human birth although He is that Formless Absolute Reality. He moved among the commoners as commoner in flesh and blood and blessed the devotees cross the ocean of worldly life. Baba will indwell as Bliss in the heart of those devotees who have no desires or any trace of arrogance. 

Indeed, for people who would see, think and serve Baba with firm faith, He will appear in everyone as His Divinity pervades every being. When the deed is noble, God would help. Baba Himself declared that there is no difference between His picture and Himself. In this hectic world, we may not find time to sit and meditate. It is enough for a Baba devotee to recall the image of Sai and mentally sing Bhajans to Him. Chanting Sai's name removes all doubts and difficulties. There is no room for fears when we take refuge in Him. We can serenely shed our perishable body and merge with the immortal Baba.
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

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