
Baba is the Gateway to Self-Liberation

Darkness of ignorance lies before us. We have to journey from darkness into light. It means, to move out from total darkness into brilliant light. If our minds and hearts repose faith in Baba, He would destroy our accumulated sins of past lives in the fire of His Divine Love. Salvation is assured to us when we tread the path of Wisdom-Light and get united with the Almighty through the door-way of Baba's Grace. He Himself is like a golden gateway to self-liberation. It would be easier to walk on that path for those who give-up the feeling of 'doer ship and ego' and serve Baba by totally surrendering to His Will.

The entrance to Baba's Heart is always left open to the true devotees and, therefore, we have to pass through that passage with firm faith, reach His Lotus Feet and nestle closely to Him. We are assured of complete protection in His presence. It is like getting entry into the Kingdom of Heaven. When we get self-realization and are able to see Baba in all living and non-living beings, we receive warm welcome from that gate. We reach the destination by treading the path and it is our common experience in the physical world. Path and destination are not the same. But, it is different in the case of Baba. He is the goal of self-liberation and the path that leads to the Door-Way through which we have to pass through for attaining self-liberation.
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

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