
Talent Devoid of Love is Futile

Several noble words that Baba spoke can be quoted by us in our speeches. They are of use only when we walk on the path of love as shown by Baba. We might have several virtues, a treasure of knowledge and attained a high status in our profession. But, only with a love-filled heart, can all those virtues yield good results. Although we may render service with an eye on excellence, efficiency, sincerity and commitment, service will never bear the fruit of fulfillment unless we express compassion and sympathy and lend a helping hand with a loving heart. The same concern, earnestness and love with which we treat our subordinates would boost their morale and enthuse them.

Whatever heights we may reach, we should make it a point to treat our neighbors with love and never look down on them. Even a golden pot cannot hold water if it has a hole in it. However rich one may be or in whatever exulted job he might be, life would become naught if he has no love in his heart. It is like a flowerless and fruitless barren life. If the nectar of Baba's love falls on that trunk, it would blossom into a fruit-giving tree. In spite of one's vast knowledge or rich talents, one should have love for all the employees at one's work place. We should treat all around us as the form of Baba and love them as we would love Baba and know that a life of divine love provides us solace.
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

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