
Baba is the Source of Peace in Times of Crisis

Even if a war, agitation, chaos or difficult situation persists outside, Baba protects us with His Divine Power by throwing His hands around us. We, being in His protection, will get rid of fear and pain and find peace of mind. It is common experience to face troubles in life and preventing them is not in our hands. We need a tough heart to weather the storm of struggles. The Grace of God gives us that power. Then, the impact of the external events cannot touch us. Things or expressions of the external world are mere physical and pains from such sufferings are inevitable. Sometimes we feel that we are helpless in controlling such adversities. However, the Omnipotent Baba would bless His staunch devotees to endure pains with ease and calm.

Baba makes us wise as to not to torment our minds and hearts by the pain of the harsh times we face. We get totally assured that Baba will set right the things. We reach such a stage that even if the sky falls down, we think; "It's all right! I should not bother since Baba is there to take care of". Those in the Protective Arms of Baba will be like a grand-daughter reading peacefully nestled in the lap of her grand father without feeling uneasy or troubled. Then, there will be no hurdle for meditation, for reading, for Sadhana. Being in His protective arms, peace would be at heart. That serenity, only Baba can give us.
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

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