
Baba's Words are the Path to Self-Liberation

To make the journey of life run smoother, we need to choose a competent Guide or we may revert to square one. It is like getting caught in the Karmic wheel of birth-death-rebirth. When we are moving on one path, our vision is limited to the visible path ahead or surroundings. But, if we have a road-map, we could easily learn which path will lead us to which destination or where we have started or where we will reach. We will be aware of the ups and downs, valleys or road-blocks or forks on the way. Meaningless it would be to begin the journey without knowing the route and the destination looks elusive, difficult and time consuming. It may again prove fatal if we move into wild forest areas where the predators may prey on us. This is just about an ordinary path. But, how could humans travel and reach the permanent abode of peace? The glorious words of Baba, who is our Spiritual Guide, alone will help us reach it.

We should have faith in Baba and try to practice His golden teachings with a pure mind and firm resolve. Then, we can definitely reach His Holy Presence - our ultimate destination. Just as the one travelling in a forest needs a guide, so do we, to move on the path of spirituality, with total faith in the Master's words. We have to cast our burdens on Baba only, who with His Guiding Light, shows us the right path to Self-liberation.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

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