
Baba Himself Appears to Teach Right Path

God has no form and yet assumes the human form. We should purify our hearts by frequently singing praises of His glories and noble qualities, chanting His Name in word and thought and constantly keep Him in our hearts. He would then come down in the form of any one of the five natural elements that are verily created by Him or in a human body form to impart us right advice and direction.
If the mirror is neat, it reflects our face. When the water is pure, the image is clearly visible to the eye. Likewise, if the pure heart meditates on God, He appears and instructs us clearly. If the heart is pristine pure and faith in God is stronger, it is possible that God appears even in a dream to guide us. The Master of a Bhajanmandali came to Shirdi with an ill-intention, but by appearing in his dreams, Baba changed the course of his mind and led him to the devotional path. Baba taught many spiritual values at Dwarakamayi and led several people on to the path of devotion. At times, when our mind gets weakened, Baba will command us what to do and thus make us move towards the path of perennial bliss. Baba’s philosophy, if followed, will purify our hearts and we are bound to hear the direct message from Baba. Every work that we begin will be accomplished, as it is directed by the Divine Light of Baba.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   

|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

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