
You Live by Sai's Spirit-Power, not by Yourself

The Unique Power that created this variegated Universe is the driving force of our lives. Man cannot live ably or alone without the aid of the Almighty's Power. Whether one is a scholar or layman, rich or poor, one cannot live by one's own ability. Baba is the Supreme Power, who, if we repose faith in Him, would hold our hand and make us walk with Him and takes care of every facet of our life. The sun and the moon shed light on us. But, Baba's Light is more luminous than the sun-light and more soothing than the moon-beams. Like a lamp or candle that burns itself to throw light all round, Baba is the Light of Wisdom who exposes our evils and illumines our minds. He grooms us with right conduct and binds us with Dharma.

Baba is the Omnipotent One. We live, move and have our being in His Divine Light. Baba renounced everything and He is the master of the six internal enemies of man. His life is an ideal to be emulated by all. He is a paragon of virtues and the glory of His good conduct speaks volumes of His Self-Mastery. Events of the past, present and the future are pre-determined by His Will and therefore one should not think that one can live by one's free will. The Holy Feet of Sainath are the Abode of Ever-New Joy and, therefore, Sai devotees must beseech Baba to bless them dwell at His Feet, the Seat of Felicity.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

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