wise say that the body of man is the Temple of Soul. We have to
clean and purify our body to make it fit for God to dwell in it.
He would not stay in the sky or in the distant heaven. He would
remain where the saints, the devotees and the soft- hearted people
pray, meditate and worship Him. A temple does not mean a big structure.
The pure heart of devotees is the real temple. Hence, we should
live by chanting God's Name and singing His Glory. There is no need
to carry head-load of brick and stone to raise a huge building as
a house of worship for Baba. He would appear before the faithful
and the upright wherever they gather and meditate on Him. It could
be a small room, a hallway, a four-way junction or still be a river
bank or even under a tree in the forest.
To invite Baba into our hearts, devotion and faith are necessary,
but not incantation of mantras. There is no need for a building
built of brick, stone and mortar but a heart with patience and faith
is enough for Him to dwell. Human heart itself is a sacred temple
raised for Baba to dwell in. Let us install Baba, the Merciful Father,
with love and dedication, in our purified hearts. He would keep
all His devotees in His heart. The heart of a devotee is full of
Baba's Love and His Form, while Baba's heart is an assemblage of
His devotees.
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|
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