
Adoring the Teacher

Word is the divine power which throws light on the Unmanifested Supreme Soul. However powerful one may be, without education one is branded as a dumb brute. Education is knowledge. That is true education which imparts the knowledge that the visible world is not long lasting and the attainment of the Supreme Reality, the embodiment of ever-new joy, is the prime purpose of life. A teacher dispels darkness and equips one with knowledge; whereas, an enlightened teacher guides a disciple in the light of wisdom to realize God. For the teacher who helps unite the individual soul with the Universal Soul, we should bow with deep reverence saying "glory be to the Guru, the God". 

While protecting the body for the maintenance of dharma, we should restrain the mind and sense organs. The very purpose of human life is to merge with God by the practice of the priceless spiritual wisdom acquired by the grace of Guru.
God descends as the World-Teacher in the Age of Kaliyuga when the humans digress from the path of righteousness. The Triple Form of the Divine Absolute incarnates as Lord Dattatreya to set the tradition of master and disciple. Sai, God Incarnate, by the touch of His grace, turned many an atheist and the arrogant as His devotees and showed them the path to divinity. We get several instances of proof of Shirdi Sai's Grace.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"   
|ॐ| Om Sai Ram |ॐ|

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