
To Get Loved, We Should First Share it with Others

The love we show to others with pure heart will draw many people closer to us. When we strive for the welfare of others without any impurities of heart, those who have benefited by our service will surely love us. If we plant a sweet mango kernel, it yields sweet mangoes. Likewise, by planting the pure seed of love in the hearts of others, we could reap the fruits of nectarine love. Love begets love. When the students are taken for a picnic, the children will be pleased and develop a fatherly love for the teacher. They offer their flower-like hearts to the teacher. 

The philanthropic service rendered with love and pure heart will yield untold benefits in this world and after. There are several unfortunate people in this world who thirst for love and humane care. We should make every effort to draw smiles on their faces. Bearing in mind that God dwells in everyone's heart, we should treat all as divine form and treat well. The satisfaction we derive in loving and treating others is unique and far satisfactory than our routine pleasures. Baba loves those who love fellow humans and ensures that they reach His abode of perennial bliss. Therefore, in order to get the divine grace, we should be able to see Baba in all living beings. The easiest path to reach Him is to love all beings.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

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