
Go Ahead With Faith in Baba

When an opportunity is lost or faced with a set-back, it is but human nature to feel frustrated and desperate in life. In such times, life looks like a parched and desert land. Will it be sensible to lose heart just for one incident? Is it correct to lose faith in God? Instead of grieving that God ignored us in such hard times, it would be better to strengthen our faith in God by Baba's teachings. We should remember Baba more and more. We have to repent for our wrong doings, plead for His mercy. 

Just as a bird with a broken wing is able to fly high once it sprouts its wings, likewise, one who did not get Baba's grace has the opportunity of getting His grace showered on him in a greater measure at a later date. 

For this, unflinching faith is the pre-requisite. So, we should never turn our back, get frustrated or dejected. Is not the lost opportunity only the first but not the last one! One who has been defeated in life will fight back with renewed energy to boldly face any challenging troubles. In this practice, he would come closer to God. We have to seek Baba's shelter with a strong faith and in the spirit of total self-surrender. He is magnanimous. He is in every inch of this universe, Omnipresent and ready to console and will turn the deserted lives into green meadows. It is enough to go ahead with firm faith in Baba and nothing can scare us.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

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