
Baba Showers His Grace at the Right Time

Baba listens to our prayers and showers His grace. But this is not as we wish or as we expect it. He is always at our back to protect us. This is evident in His creation. It takes enough time for a child to take birth, for a flower to bloom, for a tree to grow, for a blade of grass to rise. Likewise, Baba takes His own time to shower His grace on us. But lacking patience, we pester Baba for overnight results. He will deliberately delay, inspite of our prayers, to ensure that we understand His teachings. Baba waits until the effects of our Karma, or past actions, are exhausted and we are ripe and ready to receive His Divine Grace. Not appreciating Baba's love for us, we blame Him with ill-intent, unaware that what Baba delays are not deliberate denials, but lessons in patience (Saburi) He wants to teach us.

The miraculous way Baba healed people suffering from chronic diseases such as eye ailments, leprosy, tuberculosis etc., are incredible and unique. The love of Baba can instantly heal the sick, once they repent for their sins and resolve to live uprightly. We are struck with fear in times of danger and it robs us of the sense of discretion. We need not doubt that Baba may not respond to our prayers. The All-Merciful Baba forgets our blunders, forgives our sins, hugs us as Divine Mother He is and makes us happier as we fervently love and pray to Him.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

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