
Why do We Worship Baba in Human Form?

In every age, God incarnates on earth in the human form to reveal us the right path. He established righteousness by incarnating as Lord Rama, Sri Krishna, Jesus Christ, Prophet Mohammed, Buddha and Mahavir to show us the right path of worship. Again, He incarnated as Sai Baba at Shirdi to teach us the gospel of religious tolerance. Although Baba was born in flesh and blood, the mind-boggling love-miracles that Baba performed testify that He is a God-Man. Baba attended to the worldly duties not with the desires of an ordinary human being. In fact, He is not bound by any duty in any of the three worlds. Yet, Baba performed His duty without any disregard, so that people may follow the example set by His Life. 

It is a gross mistake to assume that there exists no difference between Baba and us simply because He moved among us as a normal being. Baba assumed the human form out of His free will and infinite love to liberate His erring children from past life deeds. Baba, the God Incarnate, descended to restore the Law of Moral Order and to install the spirit of divine life in all souls. The veil of illusion blinds us from beholding the divine human form of Baba. Only the Eye of Faith can see Baba in all creatures and beings. To sense the presence of Baba, everywhere and in everyone is to deserve His Divine Grace.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"
❤❤|| Om Sai Ram ||

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