
Just as a Baby Tortoise Grows under its Watchful Mother's Eye, so too Our Lives become Meaningful by Baba's Teachings

A great amount of knowledge is hidden in the human mind. But the light of wisdom is veiled by the illusion of ignorance and nescience. Education or learning is an attempt to remove them. A teacher will help the student grow and glow in the light of the teachings. A disciple is like a plant and the teachings are like water, manure and sunlight which are vital for the growth. So also an enlightened master helps his disciple grow wiser and stronger. 

The words of a teacher are like adding yoghurt to milk. On adding a drop of curd into milk, it becomes curd. Sai, God Incarnate, descended to the earth as the Perfect Master to light the lamp of wisdom in us. To illustrate this point, He used to give the example of the baby tortoise that grows under the love-exuding watchful eyes of its mother. Sai Baba's presence is like adding a drop of curd to milk. We have to remember and chant His name and feel that He is close around us. Then, with the divine support of His teachings, we can gradually acquire wealth of spiritual wisdom. When Baba is our Constant Companion, our mind illumined by His words, our life becomes meaningful and joyful by His Grace. 


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

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