
Light of the Lamp Reflects the Glow of the Lord

Our ancestors proclaimed that the light in a lamp is the Supreme Spirit. It means that the light of the lamp is a form of God. On lighting a lamp, the darkness gets dispelled. Sin, grief and ignorance are like darkness. Unable to differentiate between good and evil, we tread a wrong path. It is our custom to worship fire, the brightest form of all the five elements. The belief that the food offered to fire would reach God is also the basic belief that the light is a form of the Supreme Spirit.

The very first step in performing a religious rite is to light the lamp and worship it. Indeed, adoring Fire God does mean lighting the lamp to worship it. In the light of the lamp, we have to see the glorious image of the Divinity, meditate and place it in our heart for adoration. By this practice, it would become a habit to see the visible God in the form of a flame in oneself and in all beings. This is the philosophy Baba unfolded by lighting the lamps at Dwarakamayi. Baba, who lived as a Fakir in the Masjid lighted a row of lamps to prove that God is not bound by any religion. Without constant practice, it is not possible to get self-realization. But the Master of the Universe, Sai, can light a lamp not only with oil but even with water too. He taught a lesson by turning water into oil, lit the lamp of wisdom in all hearts and dispelled spiritual ignorance.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

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