
A Flower Looks Lively Until it gets Plucked


It is a sheer ignorance to think that "I am this Body". When we think that the body is everything, the physical world looks real and permanent. Man, thus, begins to walk in darkness and becomes a hostage in the cycle of birth and death. One should realize, 'though this body belongs to me, I am not the body', and wake up from self-delusion. An individual must introspect and inquire into one's inner soul so that one would realize one's bond of love with God. Then, one can conclude that the individual soul is no way different from the Universal Soul and that this physical existence is short-lived like a water bubble.

As we get fascinated by a beautiful flower, we wish to possess it. We pluck it from the plant. Within few hours, the fresh flower gets withered. Despite our best efforts, we cannot protect its glow of life. The relationship between man and God is similar to that of a flower and plant. If we have greed, egoistic impulses and attraction for the earthly delights and indifferent to God, our lives too get withered like the flowers. We must know that by God's power alone we are animated. In thoughts, words and deeds, we have to stably place our Father Sainath before us. As a flower, we must offer our lives to His feet. We need to get out of the bonds of the worldly life and make our life nobler and worthier in the loving service of God. 


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

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