
Conscience within us is Baba's Form

Every human being has the intellect which discriminates between what is good and bad. Irrespective of the individual's nationality, ethnicity and religion, this innate quality exists in all by birth. This power of discrimination is not found in the animals. This is the major difference between man and beast. The quality of discrimination is otherwise known as 'conscience'. Conscience is the seat of God. Whenever evil thoughts crop up in the mind, conscience, which is the voice of God, will caution us of the wrong doing. Although we know we are erring, at times, we turn a deaf ear to our inner voice. We even attempt to suppress it. As we go farther away, the voice of conscience is not audible to us. We will not be able to hear it.

Baba granted us intellect to discriminate between the right and wrong and also wisdom to recognize good and bad. He will keep watching us as to what extent we make use of such knowledge. We must try to be true to our conscience whether our actions are intentional or otherwise. We have to move on the right path. If not, we alone will land in trouble if we do not listen to the voice of conscience and act accordingly. When Baba exists in every particle of the Universe, attempts to hoodwink Him will be like deceiving ourselves. Hence, we should pray to Baba to give us courage to abide by the voice of conscience. 

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

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