
Baba's Words Stand Unchallenged Even if the World Turns Topsy-Turvy

It is true that words and deeds go together in the case of great souls. Their every word unfolds the spiritual realities. Words of great seers remain unaltered as the letters inscribed on a stone tablet. In the most calamitous times, even if great floods inundate the earth, the entire life on the planet gets tormented, the earth or sky or even the multitude of the planets get destroyed, still the faith in Baba would provide a safe haven for us. We should raise the mansion of life on the foundation of Baba's words of assurance. Our success and failure rest in the hands of Baba only. 

In the hour of distress, we must remember Sai and recall His teachings and remain cool-headed so that Baba steers our will to live in poise and peace. Once, a devotee under the spell of disbelief had suddenly heard the thundering voice of Baba, "Won't you still believe me"? Baba would sometimes test even the faithful devotees and enjoys the sport. But the next moment He showers His nectarine grace. Sufferings, accidents, pains and fears are all part of Baba's tests. Whoever seeks His shelter is definitely rescued. Baba will never go back on His word of assurance even if the whole world turns topsy-turvy. We should offer our prayer-flowers and prostrate before Baba.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

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