
To be Among Good Friends

To have friendship with good people is to own a pot of gold. Though making a pot of gold is a tough task, none can break it once it is made. The company of the noble people does good to us. When we are with the good people, we develop right conduct. The wise explain that "when we sit close to the company of pious people, we get enlightened from their talks". The first step for liberation of body, is the company of the good souls. We have to recall how the devotees were drawn to Sainath.

Hemadpant, while describing his first visit to Baba said, "I am greatly indebted to all those people who have encouraged me to visit Shirdi. I treat them as my loyal friends and I am indebted to them. In my heart, I prostrate before them". He further added "could we alone relish the tasty dish without sharing it with others? We get happiness upon sharing it with others. 

So, I am spreading the stories of Sai among others". Let us, therefore, spread the nectar of Sai's love-filled miracle stories to whomsoever we come across. When an opportunity to talk about Baba comes, let us keep aside the feelings of pride, status, wealth, education and caste and spread His glory with a feeling "We are the dust particles of Sri Sai's feet". Such a gesture may make us share a fraction of the good name Dasganu got for spreading the fame of Sai through his popular songs and story-telling.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

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