
Not My Will, Your Will, Baba!

Never boast of your genius and greatness if you achieve what you aspired for. Do feel that it could so happen only by the power of the Divine Will. Suppose it happens against your wish, do not regret that you are denied of God's grace. It is not good to complain against God. Baba has given you the power of discretion and free will to understand Him. But, He alone is aware of what you deserve best. The right thing is to pray to Him with an earnest heart and He will reveal what is good for you. It would be difficult on your own to get rid of the selfish feelings of "I", "me" or attachment and pride. You need the Divine Support of Baba. Only then can your ego-erased mind can become pure. You will know God's Will when you love Baba.

With the sword of detachment gifted by Baba, if you can slay the six internal enemies, viz, lust, anger, greed, pride, attachment and envy, His true form would get unfolded before your eyes. He blesses you with the light of wisdom and the will to render more social services. Only then would the light of wisdom glows in us. With a grateful heart, let us follow the Divine Love of Sai Light which leads us on the path of victory. We are not alone. Baba is always with us. And He will guide us in every step we take. Our life's journey will be smoother and happier if we walk in the foot-steps of Baba.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

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