
Fill the Spirit of Humanity in Your Personality

God created several creatures. He endowed every specie with distinct characteristics, habits, needs, rights and duties. When we hear the word 'cow', it strikes our mind as a domestic animal. The four legs and its form are its physical features, while giving milk and being docile are its natural qualities. Among the infinite variety of species, a human being is the crown of creation with a discriminating intellect. Along with the two hands and two feet, God gifted us with the weapon of 'intellect'. The quality we must have towards other species of the world is kindness. Love and friendship thrive in the heart of compassion. Doing good to others is a natural corollary of it. We must love to share with others what we have, in a spirit of intimate love and sacrifice.

The quality of mercy we have in our mind, thought and intellect motivates us to work for the welfare of the humans and all beings. It is our wealth of character. It is not a sin to tell a lie to save the life of an innocent person. Scriptures say that it is an offence if harm is deliberately done to one by telling the truth about him. How can we be treated as human beings if our hearts are filled with rank selfishness and hatred? Let us pay heed to what Baba said and see Baba in all. Baba hugs to His heart the honest, the compassionate and the upright ones.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

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