
Peace of Mind

A thinking mind is, perhaps, the greatest boon gifted to mankind by God. Because of this, the wealth of knowledge, denied to other species, is enjoyed only by the humans. The mind is very fickle. The root cause of either good or bad qualities lies in the mind. This causes many troubles. Yet, it is the mind which is the cause of supreme peace and serenity. God has shown the appropriate method to mankind to keep the mind steady and calm. 

 The five sense organs that influence the mind are under the control of the intellect. But man never listens to his intellect. He runs after the fickle mind that flies like a butterfly. Man can pull himself from the tangle of temptations if he can overcome the spell of the mind and put it under his control. The path of devotion is the best means to discipline the fickle mind and a means to keep it stable and serene. God will not directly help us. God, either in the form of a Perfect Master or through His words of wisdom would come to our rescue. For this very reason, Baba descended to the Earth and shown the easy path through his simple teachings which ensure our peace of mind. None other than Baba, the World-Teacher, can pull out the entire humanity from the illusions created by the human mind. If we totally surrender to Baba, the nectarine fruit of 'peace' can be obtained.

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

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