
Sai Family

In this modern world, families live independent lives by distancing themselves from their neighbours. We do not know who lives in our neighbourhood. People are restless as they are busily engaged in eking out a living. People think that they are different from one another. It is the wretched walls of one's social status, pomp, discrimination based on caste and creed that strengthens the sense of separation. They are narrowing our heart. Respecting the rich, insulting the poor, conflicts, competition and differences are present-day realities in the society. People with such feelings get nothing out of their worship. Unknowingly, we believe that more than the sense of humaneness and spiritual oneness, wealth and status, which are symbols of selfishness, are more important. However, we should realize that the world is an illusion and being friendly with others is a gift of God.

We should sink our differences and celebrate devotional festivities. To the best of our capacity, we have to lend our helping hand in undertaking works of charity. We should see God in everyone and become members of one Sai Family. We should share the pains and pleasures of others and be good to all. Love for Sai will make us love everyone and get loved by all. That is the Universal Family of Sai. 


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

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