
A Heart Filled with Baba's Love Showers Sweet Words

God is the Creator of the entire living and non-living beings. He is an embodiment of infinite love. He keeps showering the nectar of love on us. We have to share it with others, because we are tools of God. The Creator Himself will not initiate every work and accomplish it directly. He would accomplish certain works through those who have total faith in Him. God has blessed our home with wealth. While distributing food packets in delight, one may feel a sense of pride that how generous one is. But, then, is it not Baba who blessed us with riches and loving heart to share it with others?

All wealth and comfort we enjoy is but by the divine grace of Baba. We gain because of His kind and generous heart. It is again by the grace of Baba that we have a good mind of sharing our wealth with the poor. Nothing is our own in this world. We should know the truth that Baba is the Prime Mover behind everything. Then, love for Baba fills our heart with the nectar of joy for leading us on the right path. Every word we utter, with our hearts full of love for Baba, will sound sweet. When we know that we are mere tools and everything is done by Baba, the Almighty One, we realize that we are the Children of Immortality and Divine Felicity. 

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

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