
The Necessity of a Perfect Master (Guru)

However great one might be, everyone solicited the teachings of Guru. Even the avatars like Lord Rama and Lord Krishna learnt lessons in wisdom and spiritual culture at the feet of an enlightened teacher. Mere reading of books, without equipping one's mind with spiritual wisdom, cannot help one realize God. To attain spiritual maturity, a Guru's guidance is essential. He helps us like a guide. He will make us reach our destination. Let us know the importance of an enlightened teacher in the very words of Sainath. 
Once Dikshit approached Baba and asked him whether he could leave Shirdi. Baba consented. The people around him questioned, 'whither his journey'? Baba replied, 'it is a journey to the heights, there is one path that leads from Shirdi to it. The journey on this way is very difficult. The jungle through which one passes is beset with wild animals. If you take a guide along, he can directly lead you to the destination. Without a guide, you might get killed by the wild animals or fall even into deep pits'. Thus, told Sai, that life is like a forest. To escape from getting mauled by the wild animals of jealousy, selfishness and envy, it is essential for us to take the help of a Guru, who is the guiding light. Let us prostrate to the lotus feet of Sai and pray to Him to guide us on the hazard-free, straight path. 

"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"
|| Om Sai Ram ||

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