
Blaming Others is of no use

Only God is the Whole, the Omniscient and the Perfect One. There would be none without erring among the human beings who do various virtuous and sinful deeds and get caught up in the cycle of birth and death. While some are calm, others are irate by nature; some are poised, while others are hasty in taking action. Likewise, every individual is a mixture of good and bad qualities. There is a saying that 'it is like kettle calling pot black'.

Elders say that when we accuse others by pointing the index finger at them, the remaining four fingers point at us. Duryodhana a character in Indian Epic Mahabharata, was bad by nature but Karna, his friend, sacrificed his life for the sake of friendship. Thus, in every person along with weaknesses, there are some virtues too. Abusing others and developing hatred are uncalled for. Baba used to compare such people with a pig by saying, 'by abusing others you are cleansing their sins with your tongue'. If you think a work done by others is bad, you should resolve not to repeat it. If someone insults and that hurts us, those words should not be repeated by us against any one. One who singles out his own faults and appreciates the virtues in others and treads the upright path, would definitely win Baba's Grace and dwell in His Divine Presence.
"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"
|| Om Sai Ram ||

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