
Faith is Baba's Precious Gift to us

Nothing is impossible for those who repose faith in God. Many people think that faith in God can only be cultivated with hard work. If we whole-heartedly pray to Baba, the Supreme Protector, He shall bestow on us the power of firm faith in Him. To develop such strong faith in Baba, we need to constantly chant His Name, recall His Leelas and His assuring words for seeking His Divine Shelter. If we can control our fickle mind by chanting Baba's Name and pondering His teachings, Baba will enlighten us, create a fort of faith in our heart and dwells there. 

So, we need not worry as to how faith in Baba should be cultivated. Baba blesses His ardent devotees with the iron will to walk up to Him with upright conduct and thought. 

Baba is the Supreme Master of the Universe. He is the One who will purge our sins, transform us into the embodiments of pure form of Truth and save us from getting entangled in the cycle of birth and death. Therefore, like a bud, we must sincerely offer ourselves to Him and devote most of our time to His Service and must also surrender our every thought to Baba. By the grace of Baba, the budding devotion will blossom into a full-blown flower of faith. As our love for Baba deepens, He will safely take us to the haven of joy and reinforces our faith in Him. A fervent prayer to Baba moves His heart to be always with us.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

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