
There is no Set Time to Offer Prayers

Nothing will happen without the Divine Will. Everyone should inculcate the spirit of devotion to God. But, some people think that devotion does mean worship, offerings and chants that are time consuming. Yet, devotion is practicable in several ways. God, in whatever form or method is worshipped, concentration is very essential. Baba used to say that, patience coupled with sincere devotion in the heart are divinely great. If we constantly sing Baba's Name in thought and word, He would support us in every work. Indeed, we can chant Baba's name even while engaged in any work. He will not only shoulder our responsibility but also cares for our families.

If a house-wife gets her thoughts immersed in Baba even while cooking, Baba will not only look after her, but even her family members, who are engaged in work elsewhere, will be saved from unforeseen troubles. Our duty is to make our minds float in the thoughts of Baba and get engrossed in work. When we remember that it is Baba who has been helping us in fulfilling every desire and ensuring success, we get His help in our daily work and we can easily overcome any difficult situation. Let us pray to Baba to provide us with the strength to constantly meditate on Him with sincerity. Let us always express our whole-hearted thanks to the Omnipotent Baba for protecting our family.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

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