
The All-Powerful, Healing Word of Baba

The food we usually consume gets sanctified upon offering it to God. Likewise, ordinary words that we utter become words charged with mystic power when taught by a Guru. Words have great power to accomplish extraordinary tasks when heard from the mouth of the Sadguru as His teachings. From where and how do they get such power? A Sadguru who has a clear grasp of the meanings of words and mastered their essence can speak words of power. The thought, word, deed get unified and as actions reflect one's thought, the very words uttered by such good souls vibrate the Spirit-Power and they prove to be mantras which can command the matter to obey them.

A snake had bitten Shyama on his little finger. While Shyama was climbing up the steps to seek Baba's healing help, Baba shouted "beware! Get down". Shyama felt bad, but in the process the poisonous effect got weakened. Baba's words were directed to the poison. When Shyama's cousin fell sick with plague, Baba said "Send the Udhi. You go tomorrow and come back quickly". He meant the plague to be sent out and visit his cousin to know the condition. On several occasions, Baba's words worked like miracles. This is the difference between the word and mantra. Every word Baba uttered was a holy mantra. As devotees of Baba, our word and deed must do good to others. 


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

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