
I am Ever Living to Help and Guide All who Come to Me, who Surrender to Me and who Seek Refuge in Me

We are told that, mother, father and teacher are the three visible forms of God. Baba assures that He would don the role of all the three and guide us on the path. Self-surrender to God is not an easy thing. It needs firm faith and deep devotion. We have to surrender our body, mind and soul, in full faith, totally, at the feet of God. One should set aside one's intelligence, skills, talents, pride of mastery of scriptures and sciences, human effort and surrender to God without a speck of doubt. 

Baba says that once we approach and take refuge at His Feet, He would safeguard us against all dangers and hardships. In helpless situations, when we seek shelter, only people with divine qualities of mercy and kindness would come forward and lend support to us, as best as they can. It is clearly manifested in the life of Shirdi Sai Baba. Although the divine incarnation, Baba behaved like a Fakir saying that He is a servant of humanity and reminded us of what 'duty' is. Sai, the Supreme Spirit, is simplicity personified, who made it clear that protecting the hapless and needy is His primary duty. We should understand that Baba's protection is forthcoming to us, forever. Therefore, we should always remember Baba's saying that "Whoever seeks My shelter, protecting them at all times is My primary duty".


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

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