
An Orphan's Appeal To Sai

Oh! Baba, please come this way, won't you?

Shower mercy by listening to my tale of woe, can't you?

When hungry, I have no mother to ask for food

When sleepy, I have no father to fondle me on bed

The earth is my mother,

The sky is my father

The cool, shady trees are indeed my friends

Which offer me their secure hands

My heart melts on seeing a child with a mother

And roams madly in search of mother

For this reason alone, please........

Caress like a mother, offer me rice morsels as food

With fatherly love, lift me in arms and have fun

Let the world know, I am not an orphan.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

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