
Success Weds Those Who Tread Righteous Path

If you protect Dharma, it, in turn, protects you. Just as a cloud obstructs the view of the moon, troubles do not last long in the path of good people. As Dharma is the form of God, surely it triumphs. Everyone should have twin objectives of life, i.e., right destination and a planned journey. When one lacks self-discipline and uprightness, his down-fall is imminent. Some people lack self-confidence and worry about the outcome of a work and end up even before undertaking it. Others would simply begin a work, but upon encountering a minor hurdle, they give up half-way and can never be successful.

Those who have firm faith in God and have an iron will and power of persistence will definitely succeed. We need to realize that God will bless only those who observe right conduct and are kind-hearted. At times it would appear that bad people are gaining advantage, but it is only a temporary success. Victory finally weds the virtuous ones. While churning the ocean of milk, both the gods and demons competed for nectar. Finally the ambrosia was secured by the gods who yearned for Universal Good but not the demons. If the fortune of God's Grace is enjoined with one's self-discipline and capabilities, indeed, success will crown them. Let us, therefore, pray to Baba to grant us upright thinking so that we tread the path of righteousness.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

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