
Baba, the Most Merciful One, is within our reach

God is not somewhere beyond our reach. He dwells within us in the form of wisdom and bliss. If we pray to Him whole-heartedly, He would not only reveal Himself to us in the eye of our mind but would suitably advise us. Unfortunately, we neither attempt to see Him nor try to listen to His words of Divine Wisdom. The television and radio have always been broadcasting several programmes. We must have the instrument that can receive their signals. It should be in a working condition. We must have the interest to see and listen to the programme. Only when we have the T.V or radio set, we can see or listen to the programs. The same is the case with God. 

Baba is the energy of an ever-flowing stream of nectar of love. Our heart must be willing to listen to His words and eager to see Him. Faith in Baba is very crucial. We must get ready to install His Divine Image in our hearts. Thus, we need to restrain the sense organs, awaken the power of soul by the fire of fervent devotion. Then, our soul can see through our eyes and hear through our ears, the Divine Spirit. Thus, we have to get our mind and soul attuned to receive the Divine Power transmitted to us. For this, we should have an ardent devotion, persistent practice and deep desire to see God. Let us tune in our mental radio to listen to Baba's Love message eternally broadcasted.


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

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