
Why Do You Fear, When Baba is Near?

In this world, man gets frightened for two reasons. One is sorrow about the past and another is worry about the future. Baba wants us not to fear anything. He assured that He will always be with us. Baba is our Father. When we firmly believe that we are His children, where is the need to fear? If we are afraid of everything, it means we have no faith in Baba. Lack of faith causes more stress, tension and fear. When we cast all our burdens and rely on Him in confident expectation, our bodies and minds rest in peace and solace and experience ever-new delight. We get so much satisfaction and happiness that it cannot be expressed in words. It is the experience of our elders that they did not worry about anything, as long as they looked to God installed in their hearts.

The moment we begin to believe in Baba, our sorrows will vanish. Baba has questioned His devotees a number of times "Don't you still believe Me"? If our faith in Baba is firm, we can lead a peaceful life, because it is Baba who will be always with us. God will grant us power, love and peace, but not fear. Armed with this faith, let us make use of our thought, time, intellect and life in the contemplation of God. If all our burdens are cast on Baba, as a Compassionate Protector, He would take us into His fold. Why should we fear, when Baba is near and is within us?


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

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