
Wealth-Adversities-Goal of Life

Since we are blessed with human life, step by step we must attain Supreme Bliss and Self-liberation. The wise say that one should accomplish the four goals of life, viz., Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. Dharma makes us live as human beings and guides us in the direction of serving the society. 'Wealth' and 'desire' are the secular aspects of the four values of life. Any desire has to be fulfilled by ethical and just means. We can enjoy the comforts of life in a righteous way.

The significance of life lies in liberating the soul from the bondage of birth-death-rebirth cycle so that it can reach the Abode of God. Life is divided into four stages i.e., the celibate student (Brahmacharya), house-holder life (Gruhastya), retirement and contemplation (Vanaprastha) and the stage of monastic forest life (Sanyasa). The first stage Brahmacharya is meant for acquiring spiritual knowledge through education. In the second stage of Gruhastya,the house-holder, while serving the society, worships God. Nana Chandorkar took pride in his scholarship and presumed that Sai, Lord Krishna Incarnate, was not familiar with Geetha as Baba did not know Sanskrit. Is it not a sign of arrogance that he could not recognize the liberator of souls? Baba humbled the intellectual pride of Nana. Undeviating devotion to Baba ensures Moksha (Liberation).


"Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to all"

|| Om Sai Ram ||

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