
Faith and Doing One's Duty

Baba assures us, 'Entrust your responsibility completely to Me and stay cool'. Further, He says, "Do your duty sincerely". The first step we have to take in spiritual practice is to know that we should discharge our day-to-day duties with utmost sincerity and full faith in God.

The boat of life cannot be pushed forward unless we use the pair of oars to row the boat. One of the oars is 'faith' and the other is 'doing one's duty'. First, we use only the oar of 'faith'. But the boat starts swirling in circles. We leave the oar and take hold of the oar of 'doing one's duty'. Again the boat swirls round. We decide to row the boat holding together both the oar of 'faith' and the oar of 'doing one's duty'. And the boat starts darting ahead smoothly and touches the shore. If we want to cross the sea of worldly life in a row-boat of life, we must paddle or do our duty reposing unshakable and unbreakable faith in God Almighty. We must believe that it is He who makes us row the boat of life. We must strengthen our belief that success or failure, profit or loss, pleasure or pain, fame or shame that we get do not belong to us. We should strengthen our faith that Baba is our Lord, Saviour and Prime Mover of our lives. Unless we blend our deep faith in Baba, with our spirit of devotion to duty, we cannot live successfully and joyfully.   


"Bow to Shri Sai & Peace Be to all"

|||| Om Sai Ram ||||

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