
Test and Experience Baba's Divinity

Baba is the Living God. Baba did put many a devotee to many tests. But some of the devotees, caught up in hardships, did test Baba by their sincere devotion and experienced His Divinity, got delighted and became staunch devotees of Sai. God talks to us when we have titanic faith in Him. Baba responds and reveals Himself to a devotee who tests His Divinity reposing full faith in Him.

There used to be a faithful devotee of Baba whose husband was a drunkard and never looked after the house. The wife was unable to bear the torment. She cried, 'Oh, Baba! I can no longer bear my husband who torments me. If you are really my God, please do change his behaviour'. She prayed to Baba from the bottom of her heart. The husband, who over-drank, went to bed and saw Baba in his dream. Baba frowned at the drunkard husband and warned him that he would not be spared if he drank again. Baba worked a miracle and the husband had a change of heart. He gave up drinking and turned into a gentle-man. Thereafter, he lived as a good husband and remained as a faithful devotee of Baba. Once an officer came to Shirdi. He was skeptical about Baba. But Baba proved His Divinity by handing over to him grapes with seeds turned into seedless grapes. The officer instantly turned a staunch Baba's Devotee.  


"Bow to Shri Sai & Peace Be to all"

|||| Om Sai Ram ||||

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