
Reward Others Liberally with a Big Heart

To see God in everyone is the height of good character. Owing to the deeds committed in the past lives, some are born as rich and some as servants. We should never feel proud of our enormous wealth and should never look down a servant because he is born poor. Some may have money with them but others may have capacity for hard work. Just as money is a prized possession for some, so too the power of their labour for some. We should be grateful to the one who helped us in our work by his service and we must pay him wages matching his toil. Thus, we should utilize our money to make others happy and should never remain indebted, by suitably rewarding the services of others. Baba taught us the lesson in a wondrous manner. 

One day Baba got a ladder and He got up the roof of the house of His devotee Radhakrishnamayi and got down the ladder from the other side. He did it to cure the high fever of the devotee. Baba paid a wage of two rupees to the one who arranged the ladder. People around commented that Baba paid liberally to the fellow. Baba taught them not to get the services of others for gratis and that they should pay right amount of wages in a liberal manner. If Baba's rule is honoured, both the employer and the employee can work together harmoniously and do good to national prosperity. Let us emulate the example set by Baba.    


"Bow to Shri Sai & Peace Be to all"

|||| Om Sai Ram ||||

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