
Baba is Our Guiding Light

Baba is the epitome of love and compassion. He would correct the behaviour of His children with patience and tact. God, who is the embodiment of love, like a strict disciplinarian father, rebukes us when we commit mistakes and guides us on the right path. Just as we crack a whip and make the strayed cattle walk along the straight road, so too Baba will chide us and ensure that we do not degrade our character. It is not enough if we alone behave well, but it is equally our moral responsibility to correct the one who commits mistakes. When we do not do so, Baba will make us realize our mistake in one way or the other. Baba, sometimes, may gently reprimand us for our small offences; but, at times, He may look stern and pull us up severely if we committed a grave blunder.

The severity shown by Baba is a testimony to His infinite love for us. It is punishment given by a father who cares for his children. It trains us live in humility, obedience, repentance and total self-surrender to the will of God. We should, therefore, strive to be ever-vigilant and watchful of our conduct as Baba will not tolerate our misbehaviour. As a devotee and as an upright being, we should not ignore our duty to care for our fellow beings. We should be ever grateful to Baba who is always with us and guides us on the truth-path.    


"Bow to Shri Sai & Peace Be to all"

|||| Om Sai Ram ||||

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