
We are All the Children of God

Every one longs to lead a peaceful, contented and comfortable life. But the world is caught in the fires of envy and hatred. Everyone thinks of making his or her life more pleasurable, but never thinks of what he or she could do to make the lives of people around them happier. 

We are the children of God who is the embodiment of love. We are all brothers and sisters. There should be no limit in loving our neighbours. It is the true love which never expects something in return. As the sky is unbounded, so too no rules or regulations should restrict the one who showers his or her love, whole-heartedly, and with great concern, for the larger welfare of all. Mind gets purified when it completely forgets thoughts like 'I, mine, for myself'. 

Thoughts get cleansed. As long as one thinks of one's own self, thoughts of God will not arise in one's mind. Only when we shed selfishness and resolve to live in self-sacrifice, we begin to experience our hearts over-flowing with great joy. The sense of satisfaction one experiences in rendering humanitarian and selfless service to society makes one live in calm and peace. One should never ask, 'What others did to me? Instead, one should ask oneself 'what did I do for the society?' Once we overcome selfishness and greed, the world becomes dearer to us and we can live like One Universal Sai Family.    


"Bow to Shri Sai & Peace Be to all"

|||| Om Sai Ram ||||

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