
Happy Diwali/ Deepavali from Shirdi Sai Baba - Shraddha Saburi

Wishing a Lovely & Happy Sai Deepavali to you and all your family members. 
May Sai Bless everyone with abundance of happiness light up your life, filling your heart with joy, satisfaction, prosperity and peace. _/\_

#sairam #shirdi #saibaba #saideva

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"Bow to Shri Sai & Peace Be to all"

|||| Om Sai Ram ||||

Not to neglect Pooja at Home

Mr. Ramachandra was a staunch devotee of Sai Baba. His wife and son loved baba equally or perhaps more. It was once proposed that son should go with his mother to Shirdi and spend his summer vacation there but the son was unwilling to go as he thought that in case he left his home in Bandra, the worship of Baba at home would not be properly attended as his father would not care. However, on his father giving an assurance under oath that, he would perform the worship exactly as his son was doing, the mother and the son left for Shirdi on a Friday night. 

Next day Mr. Ramachandra got up early, took his bath and before proceeding with the pooja prostrated himself before the shrine and said, " Baba, I am going to perform the pooja exactly as my son has been doing but please let it not be a formal drill." saying so, he performed the pooja and offered a few pieces of lump sugar as offering. The sugar was distributed at lunch time. 

That evening and next day Sunday, everything went on well. Mr. Ramachandra who had never performed pooja like this in all his life, felt great confidence within himself that everything was passing on quite satisfactorily as per the promise given to the son. Next day, he preformed the usual morning pooja and left for work. Coming home at noon, he found that there was no sugar to partake of when the meal was served. He asked the servant cook, who told him that there was no offering made that morning and that he had completely forgotten to perform that part of the puja ( offering Naivadya). At this, he left his seat and prostrated himself before the shrine, expressed his regret at the same time chiding Baba for the want of guidance in making the whole affair a matter of mere drill. Then he wrote a letter to his son, stating the facts and requested him to lay it at Baba'a feet and ask his pardon for his neglect. This happened in Bandra at about Tuesday noon. 

At about the same time, when the noon Aarthi was about to commence in Shirdi , Baba said to Mrs. Ramachandra, " Mother, I had been to your house in Bandra, with a view to have something to eat. I found the door locked. I, somehow got an entry and found to my regret that Ramachandra had left nothing for me to eat. So I have returned with my hunger unappeased. 

The lady did not understand this but the son, who was close by understood the whole thing that there was something wrong with the pooja in Bandra and he therefore requested Baba to permit him to go home. Baba refused this, but allowed him to perform puja there. Then the son wrote a letter to his father stating all that took place at Shirdi and implored his father not to neglect the pooja at home.

Om Sai Ram


"Bow to Shri Sai & Peace Be to all"

|||| Om Sai Ram ||||

Nine modes of Devotion - Servitude as a Mode of Devotion

Servitude means service. Knowing Sai's ideal, secret of His philosophy, serving Him with devotion and obeying His orders are indeed acts of devotion for Sai. Offering services to Sai idols in temples, cleaning, washing the temple and meditating on Sai's image in the eye of one's mind and worshipping Him are the various methods of this devotion. The "devotion of servitude" is practiced with an objective of obtaining great love of Sai, always serving Him and to be ever in His presence. Sai grants liberation to people with the devotional fervour. 

Baba accepted the services of the sick for removing the sins of their previous lives, to make them pious and finally bless them. 

Baba thrust His hand into the fire to save a gold-smith's child from slipping into the flames of the furnace. His hand got burnt and devotees called for a doctor. But, Baba offered this service to a devotee, Bhagoji Shinde, suffering from leprosy, with shrunk fingers, body oozing foul smell and pus leaking out of his body. Shinde used to apply ghee on Sai's hand, put a leaf and bandage it everyday and tried to alleviate the pain. Shinde was thus blessed by Baba to serve Him in order to get his sins of past lives absolved. Servitude as a mode of devotion is the easiest path for Baba's devotees. 


"Bow to Shri Sai & Peace Be to all"

|||| Om Sai Ram ||||

Nine Modes of Devotion-Listening to Sai's Glory

'Listening' as a mode of devotion refers to attentively listening to the experiences the devotees had by chanting the name of Sai and meditating on the Majesty and Message of Sai Form and His philosophy. In order to inflame the spark of devotion within us, by listening to songs of Sai Glory, we must first prostrate to the feet of sages and saints, seek their blessings and serve them. We must long to be in their holy company, behave obediently, clarify our genuine doubts and learn to practice the spiritual teachings taught by them. The treasure of spiritual wisdom we inherit from the Perfect Masters must be shared with others. Sai showers His grace on us if we listen to His story with deep love and devotion. Experiences of millions of Sai devotees bear an eloquent testimony to it.

Cholker cultivated love and devotion for Sai by listening to Sai stories composed and sung by Dasganu, the great song composer. So, throughout our life, we should be with Sai devotees and listen to His glorious deeds of grace. In the nine modes of devotion, listening has much importance. Therefore, time and again, we have to attentively listen to the recital of His nectarine love-miracles and mind-cheering messages of Sai and spread them among all and making everyone benefit from listening. This is the easiest path of getting merged and be one with Sai. 


"Bow to Shri Sai & Peace Be to all"

|||| Om Sai Ram ||||

Sai Devotion

The devotional path of Sai is the wonderful one that the mankind could easily follow. Like a kite controlled by a string, Baba would bring devotees and non-believers to Him. In this Kaliyuga there is no other sure-fire method except Sai Devotion to elevate and liberate the soul. This is the easiest of all methods. In this age, it is difficult for us to practice Yoga, penance or conduct of religious rituals. Hence, All-Knowing Sai appeared to the devotees in the form they wished and taught them the simplest and practically feasible path of devotion. 

Baba has taught that 'faith and patience' are essential for people treading the path of devotion. To get devoted to Sai, one's age, color etc., does not matter much. Only love for Baba coupled with devotion is sufficient. Indeed, good conduct and virtues are naturally cultivated by Sai devotees. Before He shed His mortal coil, Baba, with love, dropped nine coins, symbolizing nine modes of worship, into the palms of Lakshmibhai Shinde. They are viz., listening to Sai Leelas, chanting His name, remembering Him, worshipping His feet, performing rites, bowing, friendship and self-surrender. One is assured of attaining salvation through any of the nine modes of worship. Let us choose any one of the paths and make every effort to reach Sai by devout practice and let us make our lives worthier.


"Bow to Shri Sai & Peace Be to all"

|||| Om Sai Ram ||||

Sacrifice of One's Life in the Service of Others, it's the Secret of Self-Liberation

A living being is blessed with human birth only once - but it is impermanent. But all religions suggested ways to make human birth everlasting. Helping others is the most important of them and such service is like serving God who lives in all living beings in the form of Satchidananda (Sat - Truth, Chith - Knowledge, Ananda - Bliss). Ignoring the welfare of the society and living only for one's own sake amounts to overlooking God. If one serves the helpless, the needy and the forsaken, such selfless service will lead to salvation. Baba, assumed the human form to teach us how we can, caught in the turbulence of the ocean of worldly life, save our souls by the spirit of rendering selfless service by seeing Sai in one and all.

The human life is like a water bubble and is ephemeral. A man may sow a seed and it grows into a huge tree. So long as the tree yields fruits to the posterity, the man, who planted it, lives in the tree though he is dead. Likewise, the man who donates the organs of his body, before he dies, makes himself immortal in the body of the one who got the organs planted in his body for survival. It is the supreme sacrifice. Baba staked His life to save Tatya who was destined to die and thereby showed that sacrificing one's life to save others is the secret of Self-Liberation.


"Bow to Shri Sai & Peace Be to all"

|||| Om Sai Ram ||||

Read Baba's Biography to Acquire Precious Treasure of Wisdom

Man loves to possess inexhaustible wealth. He longs to enjoy endless ever-new joy. It is easy to acquire, but man behaves without foresight and in haste. Although, the ocean has plenty of pearls and corals, man would prefer to get the easily available shells and conch-shells scattered on the sands of the sea-shore. Devotees who gather around Sai Baba used to feel relieved and happy after eating the sanctified food offered by Baba and getting their worldly desires fulfilled, feel relieved and happy. Baba would chuckle and say "My Treasure of Spiritual Wisdom is full and over-flowing. None asks for it".

Devotees like Upasani Baba and Sai Sharanananda, never did they expect temporary gains or pleasures from Baba. He gifted them with priceless Divine Treasure of Wisdom and Ever-New Delight. We need not lament that our spiritual guide Baba has entered the Samadhi. Baba's leelas and the miracles He performed for the sick and suffering have been preserved in Sri Sai Satcharitra, penned by Hemadpant. One has to go through every line of it. The reading of Satcharitra, with a devout heart, should be daily undertaken. Then, we are assured of invaluable advice and divine directions from Baba. The lamp of wisdom lit will dispel our ignorance and we experience Divine Delight.


"Bow to Shri Sai & Peace Be to all"

|||| Om Sai Ram ||||

Vijayadashami (Dasara) - Mahasamadhi/ Punyatithi Day

Vijayadashami is celebrated throughout India, under different names and with regional variations, as the victory of good over evil. For Sai devotees, it is venerated as the holy day that their beloved Gurudeva attained Mahasamadhi (also known as Punyatithi) and is a big festival in Shirdi. Baba left his mortal coil on the 15 th October 1918. Two years before i.e. in 1916 Baba gave an indication of his passing away. It was as follow. On the Vijayadashami (Dasara) Baba, all of a sudden got into wild rage in the evening, when people were returning from seemolanghan (Crossing the border of the village).

Taking off His head-dress, Kafni and Langota etc. He tore them and threw them in the Dhuni before him. He stood there stark naked and with his burning red eyes shouted "You fellows now have a look and decide finally whether I am a Muslim or Hindu" Everybody was trembling with fear and nobody dared to approach Baba. After some time Bhogoji Shinde the leper devotee of Baba went Boldly near him and succeeded in tying a Langota round his waist and said," Baba what is all this? Today is 'Simolanghan i.e. Dasara' Baba striking the ground with his satka said," This is my Seemolanghan", Baba did not cool down till 11.00 P.M. and people doubted, whether the Chavadi procession would ever take place that night. After an hour Baba resumed His normal condition and dressing Himself as usual attended the Chavadi procession. By this incident Baba suggested that Dasara was the proper time for Him to cross the border of life.

Baba gave another indication as follows :--

Ramchandra Patil became seriously ill. He tried all remedies, but finding no reliet despaired of his life was awaiting for the last moment. Then one midnight Baba stood near his bed. Patil held His feet and said," I have lost all my hopes. Please tell me definitely when I shall die". Merciful Baba said," Don't be anxious, your Hundi (Death-warrant) has been withdrawn but I am afraid of Tatya Patil. He will pass away on Vijayadashami of 1918. Ramachandra Dada soon left bed and soon was on his legs. 

Time passed quickly. The month of Bhadrappada of Shaka 1840 (1918 A D) was ending and Tatya fell sick and was bed ridden Baba was also down with fever. Tatya had full faith in Baba. Tatya's illness grew from bad to worse and could not move at all but alaways remembered Baba. The day predicated i.e. Vijayadashami was impending and Ramchandra Dada and Bala Shimpi who was told the predication were terribly Frightened about Tatya. Tatya's end was near. But a curious thing happened, Tatya remained and Baba passed away instead. People said that Baba gave his life for Tatya and made Vijayadashami more significant for Sai devotees. In Shirdi Vjayadashami is performed as usual as well as with special programmes of Sai Punyatithi. Various religious activities are arranged Great number of people flock to Shirdi during this Festival. On Vijayadashami 'Brahman Bhojan' is arranged with Dakashina (Donation to Guru). Every year the number of the honoured couples of Brahman is increasing. On the last day of the festival " Gavjewan" ( free meal for all village People and devotees is given by Sansthan. 


"Bow to Shri Sai & Peace Be to all"

|||| Om Sai Ram ||||

No Arguments, a Simple Reply is Enough

Many people are in the habit of arguing. When the ego in us gets bloated, we would like to argue. The more we argue, the more we lose the ability of the discerning mind to know the truth, be open-minded and stick to the negative thought of defending one's view-point. At times an argument begins for some reason, arrogance crops up and although we know that the point of the other side is true, we would not accept it. We fear that upon accepting their point, our self-esteem may be lowered. We feel egoistic because we think that we are rich, famous, talented or the unwillingness of not appreciating the good of others. On some occasions we assume that acceptance of others' views would mean acceptance of our mistakes and so we prefer to argue further and fail to understand the loss of our energy. 

In spite of our good nature, when others drag us into an argument, it would be better to keep away from them and follow the guiding rule of Baba, "no arguments but a simple reply is enough". There would be no scope to argue if we follow His principle in true spirit. If the argument becomes adamant, the anger leads to fight. The precious time that could have been spent in devotional pursuits might go waste. 

Hence, instead of getting involved in empty arguments, let us make the most of life through spiritual practices.


"Bow to Shri Sai & Peace Be to all"

|||| Om Sai Ram ||||

If you cast your burden on Me, I shall surely bear it

However intimate people are, they might be willing to share our pleasure and wealth but would not like to bear our burdens. Baba assured, He would become everything of theirs and bear their burdens, saying "You keep all your unbearable burdens on Me and be cool. I shall bear them all". Here, 'burden' means 'weight' which means 'above our capacity to bear'.

Baba spoke with motherly love 'cast your entire burden on Me'. Sri Sai assures us that He would bear the burden of those devotees who have unshakable faith and all-enduring patience, who have chosen the path of devotion seeking freedom from attachment to the fruits of one's effort. But, people who indulged in earthly pleasures and attracted by assets and bonds, going into prayer room only when they get into trouble, will not get rid of problems. All of a sudden reaching Shirdi, standing before Samadhi Mandir and demanding "you promised to bear my burden, hence, instantly remove it", will not do! How will it? Whatever life that we get by the deeds of our previous lives, we should be faithful and earnestly pray to Baba, "Lead us to Your presence, Father!" To Baba, the Almighty One, who bears the gigantic burden of this Vast Universe and guides its varied operations, it is but child's play to Him to bear our burdens. Knowing it, we remain cool by casting our burden on Baba.


"Bow to Shri Sai & Peace Be to all"

|||| Om Sai Ram ||||